eCanter - Charging Battles (ep. 1):
Mitsubishi Fuso
~ Precious Cargo
Take everything you know about trucks and toss it aside because, together with Mitsubishi Fuso, we’ve made it our personal quest to change the way the category communicates. Instead of stuffy, over-explanatory ads, we’ve done pretty silly stuff. They’ve been noticed too: our Charging Battles campaign was selected as one of the best ads of 2021 by Campaign Asia.
- “Charging Battles”: Top 10 ads of 2021, Campaign Asia
Agency: UltraSuperNew, Tokyo.
eCanter - Charging Battles (ep. 2, 3):
eCanter - To the Moon and Back:
eCanter - The Delivery:
eCanter - To the Moon and Back:
eCanter - The Delivery: